The Lion Works School is an Independent Specialist setting for secondary school age students (school years 7-13) who have an ASC diagnosis or a need that makes our specialised approach to school appropriate for them.
The school environment
Our school is our small, vibrant and creative space. The school has a carefully designed and thoughtfully curated aesthetic. This is designed to manage sensory inputs whilst maintaining a sensory load that is predictable but varied throughout the school. This approach gives students the comfort of not being in a large institution, but also challenges students to develop and understand their sensory triggers in preparation for adulthood. The school takes pride in its environment and at the core of this pride are our wonderful, unique and talented students.

Life at the school
Our students have often joined the school after periods in mainstream settings where, due to environmental and social pressures, their needs may not have not been met. As a result of this, many of our students experience a period of de-escalation and recalibration of their relationship with school over the weeks and months after joining.
The school has a range of experienced staff to support students to manage anxieties and access the curriculum whilst feeling calm and safe. The school always receives extremely high levels of self-reported and parent-reported feedback about students feeling safe and enjoying attending school, often for the first time in many years.
Many of our students and their families report back on the life changing development that a placement at the school has been. This development can only come from the students and those who know them best: their parents. But the school can put the support around the young people to facilitate this growth through nurture, care and commitment.