Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility. All who work, volunteer or supply services to the school have an equal responsibility to understand the school's safeguarding policies.
The school's safeguarding policy can be accessed below and there are links to further organisations and resources.
Our school's Safeguarding team
The school's designated safeguarding lead is our Deputy Headteacher, Mrs Twitchen.
She is supported in her role by the deputy safeguarding leader, Miss Collinson.
They can be contacted directly or general contact can be made via

NSPCC and Childline
The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children has a wide range of support and information available for both adults and children.
The adult helpline can be reached on 0808 800 5000 or children can call ChildLine on 0800 1111

The Child Exploitation and Online Protection command is available if you are worried about online sexual abuse. You can make a report via the CEOP website.
There are links to support for all ages as well as parents and professionals.

The Pan-Dorset Safeguarding Children Partnership has information available as well as the ability to submit an online concern form to them.
Operation Encompass
This is a Police and Education early information safeguarding partnership. The school receives and shares information with Op Encompass accordingly. The school will PPN and MARAC notes in line with the school data policy.

The anti-bullying alliance has tools and information to support with all aspects of tackling bullying.

Young Minds
Young Minds provides support to young people, parents and professionals who are dealing with mental health challenges amongst children and teenagers.
Click this link to access the Young Minds website.

If you discover child sexual abuse images online you can report these to the Internet Watch Foundation.
Dorset Council Domestic abuse directory
Dorset Council has a directory of services and support for those experiencing or at risk of domestic abuse.

School staff are trained in Prevent and this strategy is designed to safeguard people from becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism. This is a statutory duty for the school.
You can make a referral via the prevent website by clicking on this link.
Or you can all the Anti-terror hotline for an immediate response on 0800 789 321.

BCP Domestic Abuse support
BCP council have a directory for those who are experiencing or are at risk of experiencing domestic abuse.